Reading Notes -- C++ Prime (4th)

Reading Notes – C++ Prime (4th)

Chapter-1 : Quick Tutorial (Pdf. 15 / 769)

Pdf. 21

In/Out operator » / « : return left operand


While (std::cin » value) : test the status of istream std::cin

Pdf. 32

Standard library’s head file use , e.g., Non-standard library’s head file use “YYY.h”, e.g, “wy_utit.h”

Chapter-2 : Variable and Basic Type (Pdf. 43 / 769)

Pdf. 53

lvalue can appear at either left side or right side of assignment statement rvalue: only can appear at the right side of assignment statement

Pdf. 56

Copy initialization : using = Direct initialization: using ()

Pdf. 57

#include <string> // Before using string std::string str_all_9 (5, ‘9’); // str_all_9 = “99999”

Pdf. 59, 60

Definition : only one place; is declaration as well

Declaration : use “extern” keyword to declare but not define; can happen multiple times

If a variable is used in multiple files, then one file has its definition, the others have its declaration.

Pdf. 63

const int a = 123; Here, a is still a lvalue, but

p.s. by default, const object is the local variable of its definition file (Pdf.73). If want external acess, then extern const int a = 123; Now a can be access from other files


const reference : point to const object

const int a =123;
const int &r = a;  // OK
int &r1 = a;  // Wrong — non-const reference to a const object

Pdf. 70

Define a class can use either struct or class, only the initial default access level will be impacted

Pdf. 73, 74

Header file is for declaration, not for definition.

If a const variable is not initialized by a const expression, then it should not be defined in header file, instead it should be defined and initialized in a source file (.cpp). The header file should only contains its declaration with “extern “

Pdf. 75, 76


#include <header.h>  // header.h is a standard header and will be searched in system path

#include “header.h” // header.h is user-defined and will be searched starting from current path where the source file is at.

Chapter-3 : Standard Library (Pdf. 81 / 769)

Pdf. 82, 83

:: scope operator — right operand can be found in the scope of left operand

e.g., std::cin : name cin is defined in the namespace std.

In header files, should always use the fully-qualified library name

Pdf. 87

size() return string::size_type

Pdf. 90

String’s [] operator returns lvalue — it can be assigned. e.g.,

string s1 = abc; s1[1] = 2'; // s1 = string(“a2c”)

Pdf. 93, 94

vector<T> v4(n) : create n elements using default initializationd

Better to dynamically add element to vector (let it auto-increase), don’t pre-allocate spaces

Pdf. 96

Why use != as judge condition in for loop, should have an answer after generic programming (2nd section)

Pdf. 101

const with iterator

const vector<int> v(10, 1);  // 10 elements with value = 1

const vector<int>::iterator  ci = v.begin();  // ERROR: ci could change the element it refers to and v is const

vector<int>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); // OK: const_iterator can be used with const vector
*it = 2;  // ERROR: could not change element’s value — *it is const
++it;  // OK: can change refers to since the iterator itself is not const

Chapter-4 : Array and Pointer (Pdf. 109 / 769)

Pdf. 116

Two declaration style for pointer

Pdf. 121

Arithmatic operations between pointers

int[] ia = {1,2,3,4,5}
int *p1 = ia;
int *p2 = p1 + 4;
std::ptrdiff_t  n = p2 - p1;  // subtraction between pointers
// ptrdiff_t : defined in <cstdder> header file

Pdf.124, 125, 126

const double *cp;  
// cp points to a const object whose type is double, but cp itself is not const
// so we don’t have to initialize it when defining and we can change its value by re-assigning its value to point to another const var.
// cp thinks itself "pointing to a const object", but may not true.

double  d = 1.0
double *const pr = &d;  // pr is a constant pointer
// since pr itself is constant now, we can’t change its value anymore
// pr must be initialized at definition

const double PI =3.14;
const double *const ccp = &PI;
// neither *ccp nor ccp can be changed now
typedef string *pt;  // pt is a type of "pointer to string"
const pt v;  // const applies to <type>, not <var>

// equivalent to 
string *const v;

// not equivalent to
const string *v;

// all 3 decreations are the same
string s;
typedef string *ps;
const ps      v1 = &s;
ps const      v2 = &s;
string *const v3 = &s;

Pdf. 128

#include<cstring>    // to use C-style string in C++

#include<string.h>   // to use C-style string in C

#include<string>     // to use std::string in C++
using std::string;

Pdf. 131, 132

Create new array, initialized, and delete

int *p = new int[10];  // create an array having 10 <int> elements

// const object must be initialized at definition
const int *p = new const int[10]();  // () : do value-initialization for internal type like int
const string *ps = new const string[10];  // initialized by invoking the default constructor of <string>

delete [] p;
delete [] ps;

Pdf. 135

Use c_str() to get C-style string from std::string

std::string s1 = "asfkskalf";
const char *ps = s1.c_str();  // c_str() : return C-style string, i.e., return a char* to the address of first element of char[], the char array ends with null (\0)

Initialized std::vector from array

const size_t len = 6;
int a[len] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

std::vector<int> v(a, a+len);  // v is initialized as vector<int>{1,2,3,4,5,6}

std::vector<int> v(a+1, a+4);  // v is initialized as vector<int>{2,3, 4}

Pdf. 138

Use typedef to simplify pointer to multi-dimensional array

int a[3][4];
typedef int IntArray[4];
IntArray *p = a;  // p is initialized to pointing to the first element of a, which is a int[4] array

Chapter-5 : Expression (Pdf. 141 / 769)

Pdf. 142

Pdf. 152

The value of the assign expression is the value of its left operand, and the type of its result is the type of its left operand

Pdf. 154



It is recommended to use ++i, only use i++ if really needed !!

Pdf. 156

string s; string p = &s; // equivalent (p).size(); p->size();

Pdf. 158

sizeof(expr) : sizeof can be applied to expression, expression will not be calculated

int a[10]; // sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) == number of elements in a int num = sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a)

Pdf. 161, 162

(p.147) Table 5-4 of priority of all operators

Pdf. 164, 165, 166

About new expression

int i(10);  // define int var i and initialize its value to 10
int *p = new int(10);  // p points to a int object whose value is initialized to 10
// int *p = new int[10];  // p is pointing to a int array object, whose size is 10

int *p = new int;  // p points to an uninitialized int object
int *p = new int(); // p points to an int object whose value is initialized to 0 (by default)

// Create const object dynamically
const int *p = new const int(10);  // must be initialized at creation. No more modification allowed

Pdf. 170

In most cases, array will be converted to a pointer pointing to its first element

int a[10];
int *p = a;

Except when

Pdf. 172

Cast - static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast

double d = 9.0;
void *p = &d;
double *dp = static_cast<double*>(p); // convert back to double * type

Pdf. 175

Old style type cast:

int i; double d;
i += int(d);  // static_cast: convert double to int

const_char* cp;
string_copy((char *) cp);  // const_cast: cast away const

int *pi;
char *pc = (char *) ip;  // reinterpret_cast : treat int* as char*

Chapter-6 : Statement (Pdf. 179 / 769)


Each standard Exception class defines a what() function, which returns C-style string

try {
} catch (runtime_error err) {
    cout << err.what() << "\n"
         << "Try again?" << endl;


[p. 189] Table 6-1. Standard Exception Class defined in

Pdf. 204

Use pre-processor to debug


int main() {
    #ifndef NDEBUG
    cout << "Starting main() ..." << endl;
    // ....
$ gcc -DNDEBUG main.cpp

equivalent to

#define NDEBUG   // at the beginning of main,cpp

Other useful constant


if (capacity < threshold) {
    cerr << "Error: " << __FILE__
         << " : line " << __LINE__
         << " Compiled on " << __DATE__
         << " at " << __TIME__
         << " : capacity is too small !!" << endl;
Table of Contents