Add Existing Codes to New GIT Repo

Add Existing Codes to New GIT Repo




  1. Create the remote repository, and get the URL such as or

    If your local GIT repo is already set up, skips steps 2 and 3

  2. At the root directory of your local source codes

    git init

    • If you initialize the repo with a .gitignore and a you should do

      git pull {url from step 1}

      to ensure ignore

  3. Add and commit the initial repo

    git add . git commit -m 'Add codes'

  4. Attach your remote repo with the name ‘origin’ git remote add origin {url from step 1}

  5. Execute git pull origin master to pull the remote branch so that they are in sync.

  6. Push up

     # push all branches
     git push  
     # push master branch
     git push origin master  
     # switch branch and push
     git checkout -b wy
     git push --set-upstream origin wy 
     git push origin wy
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